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Browse Items (33 total)
Creator: Kolbach M, Carrasco-Zuber JE, Vial-Letelier V.
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2015-11-01
Description: Ebola virus (EV) is one of the most virulent human pathogens. Fruits bats are its natural reservoir, the transmission to humans is across wild animals (especially primates) and the propagation in human populations is through bodily fluid contact. -
Creator: Reina J.
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-02-01
Description: The recent epidemic of disease caused by the Ebola virus has highlighted the need to develop specific drugs and have to deal with this entity. -
Creator: Gómez-Romero FJ, Gómez-García JM, Arencibia-Jiménez M, Delgado-de Los Reyes JA, Sarmiento-Sempere R, García-Abad I, Vicedo-Cano R, Pérez-Torregrosa G, Navarro-Gracia JF.
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-04-01
Description: The last outbreak of the Ebola virus disease, was a precedent to demonstrate the necessary training of healthcare personnel for possible eventualities of suspected cases of infectious diseases. It is required to study the level of… -
Creator: Grau Giner A, Fornieles Moreira M, Márquez Mora M, Moragas Bayés N, Rodríguez Ruiz MJ, Gisbert Cases Á
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-05-01
Description: Healthcare personnel is especially vulnerable to the risks derived from their job. The complexity that has the care of patients with Ebola justifies the study of the perception of risk of such professionals. -
Creator: Cerón-Serrano A, Jiménez-Castellano R, Gómez-Campos AM
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2017-04-01
Description: After the evacuation from Africa to Western hospitals of several international workers with the Ebola virus disease, the first case of contagion outside Africa occurred in Madrid, Spain. -
Creator: Jané M, Vidal MJ, Maresma M, Martínez A, Carmona G, Rodés A, Torner N, Álvarez J, Sala MR, Barrabeig I; por el Grupo de trabajo de la Red de Vigilancia Epidemiológica en Cataluña.
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2017-04-01
Description: The Ebola outbreak in Guinea Conakry was notified to the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2014. -
Creator: WHO
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2018-02-12
Description: WHO Ebola Virus Disease fact sheet. -
Creator: NLM, NIH
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2018-05-14
Description: MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and… -
Creator: Rodríguez Navarro MJ, Ruiz Tárraga B, Benito Velasco MA, Montejano Lozoya R.
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2018-08-30
Description: The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of an intervention based on contact tracing and monitoring the quarantine people. -
Creator: NETEC
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Exercise
Date Last Updated: 2020-01-03
Description: Ejercicios de simulación para los establecimientos médicos de primera línea This exercise template is also available in English. Click HERE.