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Browse Items (84 total)
Creator: Mills, Devin, Delbert A. Harnish, Caryn Lawrence, Megan Sandoval-Powers, and Brian K. Heimbuch.
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2018-04-17
Description: Safe and effective decontamination and reuse of N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) has the potential to significantly extend FFR holdings, mitigating a potential shortage due to an influenza pandemic or other pandemic events. -
Creator: University of Nebraska Medical Center / Nebraska Medicine
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-21
Description: The ongoing pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 resulting in COVID-19 has severely stressed the worldwide healthcare system and has created dangerous shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) including N95 filtering facepiece respirators (N95 FFRs). In an…Conservation strategies: This resource contains recommendations facilitating conservation of equipment and supplies during contingency (expected shortages) and crisis (known shortages) capacities and should not be applied as guidance when conventional capacities are available.
Creator: Emory
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Video
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-23
Description: Taking off ACE airborne PPE - doffing video with conservation of resourcesWatch this video on Youtube.Example only: NETEC provides this item for reference purposes but does not endorse its content. Newer versions may be in place at the providing institution.
Creator: Emory
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Video
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-23
Description: Putting on ACE airborne PPE - Donning video with conservation of resourcesWatch this video on Youtube.Conservation strategies: This resource contains recommendations facilitating conservation of equipment and supplies during contingency (expected shortages) and crisis (known shortages) capacities and should not be applied as guidance when conventional capacities are available.
Example only: NETEC provides this item for reference purposes but does not endorse its content. Newer versions may be in place at the providing institution.
Creator: NETEC
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-06
Description: In response to developing national and international shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), many facilities are implementing enhanced clinical practice guidelines to preserve their supply of items such as gowns and masks. Including the… -
Creator: NETEC
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-05
Description: During a national emergency, demand for personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, gowns and respirators, to protect healthcare workers can outpace the available stock... Researchers measured the inhalation/exhalation resistance and… -
Creator: Emory
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2020-09-04
Description: COVID-19 Resources: Putting ON AND Taking OFF Airborne – Contact precautions with eyewear (ACE) Printable instructions
Example only: NETEC provides this item for reference purposes but does not endorse its content. Newer versions may be in place at the providing institution.
Creator: Wang, Xu, Xiaoxi Zhang, and Jiangjiang He.
Subject: Physical Infrastructure
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-15
Description: On December 31, 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), China is now at a critical period in the control of the epidemic. -
Creator: CDC
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-25
Description: Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations (PPE CASE) provide the public with findings from post-market personal protective equipment tests, evaluations, and investigations. On this page NIOSH provides ten PPE CASE… -
Creator: Radonovich, Lewis J., Mary T. Bessesen, Derek A. Cummings, Aaron Eagan, Charlotte Gaydos, Cynthia Gibert, Geoffrey J. Gorse, Ann-Christine Nyquist, Nicholas G. Reich, Maria Rodrigues-Barradas, Connie Savor-Price, Ronald E. Shaffer, Michael S.…
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-06-02
Description: Although N95 filtering facepiece respirators and medical masks are commonly used for protection against respiratory infections in healthcare settings, more clinical evidence is needed to understand the optimal settings and exposure circumstances for…