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Browse Items (1475 total)
Creator: Folarin OA, Ehichioya D, Schaffner SF, Winnicki SM, Wohl S, Eromon P, West KL, Gladden-Young A, Oyejide NE, Matranga CB, Deme AB, James A, Tomkins-Tinch C, Onyewurunwa K, Ladner JT, Palacios G, Nosamiefan I, Andersen KG, Omilabu S, Park DJ, Yozwiak…
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-10-15
Description: Containment limited the 2014 Nigerian Ebola virus (EBOV) disease outbreak to 20 reported cases and 8 fatalities. We present here clinical data and contact information for at least 19 case patients, and full-length EBOV genome sequences for 12 of the… -
Creator: Fortin A, Vroh Benie Bi J, Soulimane A.
Subject: Contenu Français
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2017-10-02
Description: Bien que peu fréquentes, les crises sanitaires causent d’importantes souffrances et pertes humaines et ont des répercussions politiques, économiques et sociétales graves. -
Creator: Frampton, Dan, Tommy Rampling, Aidan Cross, Heather Bailey, Judith Heaney, Matthew Byott, Rebecca Scott, Rebecca Sconza, Joseph Price, Marios Margaritis, Malin Bergstrom, Moira J. Spyer, Patricia B. Miralhes, Paul Grant, Stuart Kirk, Chris Valerio,…
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2021-04-12
Description: Emergence of variants with specific mutations in key epitopes in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 raises concerns pertinent to mass vaccination campaigns and use of monoclonal antibodies. We aimed to describe the emergence of the B.1.1.7 variant of… -
Creator: Furtado, Remo H. M., Otavio Berwanger, Henrique A. Fonseca, Thiago D. Corrêa, Leonardo R. Ferraz, Maura G. Lapa, Fernando G. Zampieri, Viviane C. Veiga, Luciano C. P. Azevedo, Regis G. Rosa, Renato D. Lopes, Alvaro Avezum, Airton L. O. Manoel, Felipe…
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-09-08
Description: The efficacy and safety of azithromycin in the treatment of COVID-19 remain uncertain. We assessed whether adding azithromycin to standard of care, which included hydroxychloroquine, would improve clinical outcomes of patients admitted to the… -
Creator: Gallais F, Gay-Andrieu F, Picot V, Magassouba N, Mély S, Peyrefitte CN, Bellanger L.
Subject: Contenu Français
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2017-02-01
Description: Lors de l’épidémie de maladie à virus Ebola qui a frappé l’Afrique de l’Ouest en 2014, l’OMS a souligné le besoin de tests de diagnostic rapide (TDR), simples d’emploi, aisément déployables et facilement utilisables sur le terrain. Le TDR (Lateral… -
Creator: Gandhi, Monica, Chris Beyrer, and Eric Goosby.
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-07-31
Description: Although the benefit of population-level public facial masking to protect others during the COVID-19 pandemic has received a great deal of attention, we discuss for one of the first times the hypothesis that universal masking reduces the “inoculum”… -
Creator: Gandhi, Monica, Deborah S. Yokoe, and Diane V. Havlir.
Subject: Emergency Management
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-04-24
Description: Traditional infection-control and public health strategies rely heavily on early detection of disease to contain spread. When Covid-19 burst onto the global scene, public health officials initially deployed interventions that were used to control… -
Creator: Gao, Pengfei, Matthew Horvatin, George Niezgoda, Robyn Weible, and Ronald Shaffer.
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-12
Description: Current CDC guidance for the disinfection of gloved hands during the doffing of personal protective equipment (PPE) following the care of a patient with Ebola recommends for multiple applications of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) on medical exam… -
Creator: Garibaldi, B. T., J. Fiksel, J. Muschelli, M. L. Robinson, M. Rouhizadeh, J. Perin, G. Schumock, P. Nagy, J. H. Gray, H. Malapati, M. Ghobadi-Krueger, T. M. Niessen, B. S. Kim, P. M. Hill, M. S. Ahmed, E. D. Dobkin, R. Blanding, J. Abele, B. Woods,…
Subject: Treatment & Care
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-09-22
Description: Risk factors for progression of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) to severe disease or death are underexplored in U.S. cohorts. -
Creator: Gasquet-Blanchard C.
Subject: Contenu Français
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2017-10-02
Description: La crise sanitaire qui a sévi entre 2013 et 2016 en Afrique de l’Ouest touche à sa fin. Les différents acteurs politiques, sanitaires, institutionnels, intervenant à différentes échelles et directement ou non sur le terrain, ont tiré des…