NETEC Resource Library

Resources & References

Resources and References for Frontline Facilities by Subject

General PPE Guidance:

Face Masks, Face Shields, N95’s and PAPRs:


  • Glove sanitizing: Pengfei Gao, Matthew Horvatin, George Niezgoda, Robyn Weible & Ronald Shaffer (2016) "Effect of multiple alcohol-based hand rub applications on the tensile properties of thirteen brands of medical exam nitrile and latex gloves," Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 13:12, 905-914, DOI: (See link above).

Waste Management:

Disinfectants for Use against the Ebola Virus:

  • EPA's registered antimicrobial products list.

Occupational Health:

Exercise templates:

Transport & Testing

Interfacility transportation:

  • CDC Guidance for Interfacility Transport for a person under investigation or patient with confirmed Ebola:  Download here.
  • CDC Guidance for patient handoff: Download here.
  • CDC Guidance for air-to-ground handoff: Download here.

Ambulance decontamination:

All hazards EMS guidance:

Laboratory Guidance:

Just-in-Time Training