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DRC Outbreak NETEC Release

NETEC's response to the DRC outbreak - DRC Ministry Health (MOH) and WHO declare outbreak over

        On November 18th, 2020, the Minister of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared the end of the Ebola outbreak in the DRC. The declaration was made in line with WHO recommendations more than 42 days after the last person who contracted Ebola in this outbreak tested negative twice and was discharged (WHO).  

       On August 1st 2018, a new outbreak of Ebola virus disease was declared by the Ministry of Health in the North Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The first case was confirmed in Uganda on June 11th, 2019 (WHO), and the Uganda Ministry of Health on June 17th, 2019 stated there are 3 confirmed cases with 3 deaths in Kasese province, and no new cases as of July 25th, 2019, 42 days after last contact (Uganda Ministry of Health; WHO Africa).
       Between April 1st and June 24th, 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 54 Ebola virus disease cases in the DRC: 16 probable and 38 confirmed, resulting in 33 deaths. Fifty WHO public health experts were deployed to assist the DRC’s Ministry of Health. Confirmed and probable cases were reported from three health zones: Bikoro (21 cases), Iboko (29 cases), and Wangata (4 cases). Seven cases were health care workers, two of whom died. After 42 days passed since the last possible exposure, the Minister of Health, Dr. Oly llunga announced the end of the outbreak in that region.
        The 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic highlighted the need for rapid response and dissemination of information during an outbreak. The National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC) is prepared.
        Specific for the current situation, NETEC has collected some essential Ebola-related resources on this page. Additionally, healthcare and public health professionals can register to attend an upcoming workshop or submit a question to one of NETEC’s many experts via the web portal or by emailing

Check out the WHO Africa's for up-to-date statistics on the outbreak.


Relevant Resources

See relevant resources on Ebola below.