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Creator is exactly "Marshall, John C., Srinivas Murthy, Janet Diaz, Neil Adhikari, Derek C. Angus, Yaseen M. Arabi, Kenneth Baillie, Michael Bauer, Scott Berry, Bronagh Blackwood, Marc Bonten, Fernando Bozza, Frank Brunkhorst, Allen Cheng, Mike Clarke, Vu Quoc Dat, Menno de Jong, Justin Denholm, Lennie Derde, Jake Dunning, Xiaobin Feng, Tom Fletcher, Nadine Foster, Rob Fowler, Nina Gobat, Charles Gomersall, Anthony Gordon, Thomas Glueck, Michael Harhay, Carol Hodgson, Peter Horby, YaeJean Kim, Richard Kojan, Bharath Kumar, John Laffey, Denis Malvey, Ignacio Martin-Loeches, Colin McArthur, Danny McAuley, Stephen McBride, Shay McGuinness, Laura Merson, Susan Morpeth, Dale Needham, Mihai Netea, Myoung-Don Oh, Sabai Phyu, Simone Piva, Ruijin Qiu, Halima Salisu-Kabara, Lei Shi, Naoki Shimizu, Jorge Sinclair, Steven Tong, Alexis Turgeon, Tim Uyeki, Frank van de Veerdonk, Steve Webb, Paula Williamson, Timo Wolf, and Junhua Zhang. "
Marshall, John C., Srinivas Murthy, Janet Diaz, Neil Adhikari, Derek C. Angus, Yaseen M. Arabi, Kenneth Baillie, Michael Bauer, Scott Berry, Bronagh Blackwood, Marc Bonten, Fernando Bozza, Frank Brunkhorst, Allen Cheng, Mike Clarke, Vu Quoc Dat,…
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Date Last Updated: 2020-06-12
Clinical research is necessary for an effective response to an emerging infectious disease outbreak. However, research efforts are often hastily organised and done using various research tools, with the result that pooling data across studies is…