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Autor: University of Nebraska Medical Center / Nebraska Medicine
Tema: Infection Control
Tipo de elemento: Webinar
Fecha de actualización: 2021-10-28
Descripción: Region VII Regional Emerging Special Pathogen Treatment Center (RESPTC) Perils and Pearls Zoomcast: Episode 22: Mpox.
Please join Infectious Disease experts, Dr. Agam Rao and Dr. David Brett-Major as they provide up-to-date information on Mpox and… -
Autor: CDC
Tema: Infection Control
Tipo de elemento: Hipervínculo
Fecha de actualización: 2021-10-25
Descripción: How to select (what to choose and what not to choose), properly wear, clean, and store masks.Special considerations like gaiters & face shields, children, cold weather, beards, and disabilities.Example only: NETEC provides this item for reference purposes but does not endorse its content. Newer versions may be in place at the providing institution.
Autor: CDC
Tema: Laboratory
Tipo de elemento: Hipervínculo
Fecha de actualización: 2021-10-25
Descripción: Key points The type of specimen collected when testing for current or past infection with SARS-CoV-2 is based on the test being performed and its manufacturer's instructions. Some of the specimen types listed below will not be appropriate for all… -
Autor: NETEC
Tema: Treatment & Care
Tipo de elemento: Webinar
Fecha de actualización: 2021-10-11
Descripción: Join us Monday, October 11th, at 1pm EDT / 12pm CDT for the next NETEC COVID-19 Webinar Series presentation, Pediatric Surge Responses and Crisis Standards of Care. Join our presenters as they discuss the impact of the pediatric surge during the…Conservation strategies: This resource contains recommendations facilitating conservation of equipment and supplies during contingency (expected shortages) and crisis (known shortages) capacities and should not be applied as guidance when conventional capacities are available.
Autor: Bar-On, Yinon M., Yair Goldberg, Micha Mandel, Omri Bodenheimer, Laurence Freedman, Nir Kalkstein, Barak Mizrahi, Sharon Alroy-Preis, Nachman Ash, Ron Milo, and Amit Huppert.
Tema: Research
Tipo de elemento: Publicación
Fecha de actualización: 2021-10-07
Descripción: On July 30, 2021, the administration of a third (booster) dose of the BNT162b2 messenger RNA vaccine (Pfizer–BioNTech) was approved in Israel for persons who were 60 years of age or older and who had received a second dose of vaccine at least 5… -
Autor: the BLAZE-1 Investigators
Tema: Treatment & Care
Tipo de elemento: Publicación
Fecha de actualización: 2021-10-07
Descripción: Patients with underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Whereas vaccine-derived immunity develops over time, neutralizing monoclonal-antibody treatment provides immediate, passive immunity and… -
Autor: Li, L., L. B. Robinson, R. Patel, A. B. Landman, X. Fu, E. S. Shenoy, D. M. Hashimoto, A. Banerji, P. G. Wickner, U. Samarakoon, C. M. Mancini, Y. Zhang, and K. G. Blumenthal.
Tema: Research
Tipo de elemento: Publicación
Fecha de actualización: 2021-10-01
Descripción: Allergic history in individuals with confirmed anaphylaxis to a messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccine is common. However, the risk factors for allergy symptoms after receiving the vaccine are unknown. -
Autor: Kendra Johnson, Michelle Vu, and Alexander N Freiberg.
Tema: Infection Control
Tipo de elemento: Publicación
Fecha de actualización: 2021-09-29
Descripción: Over the past 20 years, Nipah virus (NiV) has emerged as a significant, highly pathogenic bat-borne paramyxovirus causing severe respiratory disease and encephalitis in humans, and human-to-human transmission has been demonstrated in multiple… -
Autor: Barbaro, Ryan P., Graeme MacLaren, Philip S. Boonstra, Alain Combes, Cara Agerstrand, Gail Annich, Rodrigo Diaz, Eddy Fan, Katarzyna Hryniewicz, Roberto Lorusso, Matthew L. Paden, Christine M. Stead, Justyna Swol, Theodore J. Iwashyna, Arthur S.…
Tema: Treatment & Care
Tipo de elemento: Publicación
Fecha de actualización: 2021-09-29
Descripción: Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the care of patients with COVID-19 has changed and the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has increased. We aimed to examine patient selection, treatments, outcomes, and ECMO centre…