Emerging infectious agents/Agents infectieux émergents
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Emerging infectious agents/Agents infectieux émergents
De nombreuses maladies infectieuses émergentes ou ré-émergentes sont survenues au cours des dernières décennies, certaines posant des problèmes de santé publique majeurs. SRAS, MERS-CoV, grippe aviaire hautement pathogène A(H5N1), MERS-CoV, maladie à virus Ebola ont été très préoccupants en raison de la virulence, de la mortalité, des modalités de transmission, de l’impact sur la transmission maternofœtale (Zika).
C. Chidiac, and T. Ferry. "Agents Infectieux Émergents." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 23, no. 4 (2016/11/01/ 2016): 253-62.
Emergence of many emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases have occurred over the past decade, some of which are major public threat. SARS, MERS-CoV, highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1), Ebola virus disease have raised concerns because of their virulence, their mortality, and/or their modality of transmission, or their impact on maternofoetal transmission (Zika virus). The witness of these emergences have conducted health authorities to have policies and plans and to imagine new organizations for health systems in order to identify any case of highly communicable virulent disease for immediate isolation, and adequate management.
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