NETEC Resource Library


Pediatric populations

Pediatric populations are often unreported in outbreaks, clinical trials and research data can be limited and clinical differences are present. These differences mean additional planning is required and unique questions must be asked along the way:

  • How will your program address family visitation?
  • Would you plan to cohort siblings with suspected or confirmed Ebola or other special pathogens (ESP)?
  • How will your program address a breastfeeding mother?
  • What are your plans to keep a pediatric patient occupied and calm during this uniquely difficult hospital stay?
  • What special equipment would you need for pediatric (potentially critical) care?

This list is certainly not exhaustive, but the resources in this exhibit can help address them and many more as you develop your plans and protocols.

You can check out NETEC's blog post on Pediatric Ebola Preparedness here.

[A Pediatrics online course will be available in 2020.]

Resources relating to pediatric populations:

Page Reviewed: 3/14/2019