NETEC Resource Library

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Parcourir les contenus (82 total)

  • hide_me.png
    Créateur: NETEC
    Sujet: Emergency Management
    Type d'élément: Guide
    Date de la dernière mise à jour: 2024-05-30
    Description: The SBAR, Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation, template is for healthcare facilities to use for real-world responses to special pathogen outbreaks. It serves as a modifiable tool for communication and information sharing for staff…
  • FAQ Nipah Virus Final 6.13.2024.pdf
    Créateur: NETEC
    Sujet: Emergency Management
    Type d'élément: Guide
    Date de la dernière mise à jour: 2024-05-30
    Description: The FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions, template is for healthcare facilities to use for real-world responses to special pathogen outbreaks. It serves as a modifiable tool for communication and information sharing for staff and other partners. The…