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Infection Prevention Learning Journey


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Infection Prevention Learning Journey


The Infection Prevention Learning Journey will introduce learners to a special pathogen event scenario and be guide them to targeted learning modules that will enhance infection prevention and control knowledge and skills.

The Infection Prevention Learning Journey course contains an interactive scenario module and three learning modules that cover three levels of the Hierarchy of Controls: engineering, administrative, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Each of these controls is covered in a learning module comprised of several short lessons. While controls are not mutually exclusive, each module will focus on one particular control. The first module in the course, A Pathogen is Coming... is an interactive module designed to test Hierarchy of Controls knowledge in the context of a special pathogen event. The next modules, Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls, and PPE and Behavior, will reinforce the concepts introduced in the special pathogen scenarios. Each of these three learning modules can be taken for continuing education credit.

For more information, review the continuing education information found in the course.

Infection Prevention Learning Journey Course Resources





Self-paced 1.5 credits

The estimated time to complete each module is 30 minutes.


Module 1: Engineering Controls

CID: 57762

0.5 credits/contact hours

At the conclusion of this enduring material, the participant should be better able to:

  • Describe the optimal use and locations for physical barriers and visual indicators to prevent the spread of special pathogens.
  • Identify methods for improving airflow and removing pathogens from the air.
  • Recognize high-touch surface areas and describe techniques to clean, disinfect, and reduce contact with high-touch surfaces.

Module 2: Administrative Controls

CID: 57763

0.5 credits/contact hours

At the conclusion of this enduring material, the participant should be better able to:

  • Describe the difference between cleaning and disinfecting, and how to choose, use, and monitor the cleaning and disinfection process.
  • Explain who is involved in infection prevention and control, and how to break the chain of infection.
  • Describe strategies the health care facilities can implement to limit exposure to a pathogen.
  • Identify best practices for communication within and outside the facility.

Module 3: PPE and Behavior

CID: 57764

0.5 credits/contact hours

At the conclusion of this enduring material, the participant should be better able to:

  • Select personal protective equipment (PPE) based on transmission type of a special pathogen.
  • Describe best practices for donning PPE when caring for individuals with high-consequence infectious diseases.
  • Describe best practices for doffing PPE when caring for individuals with high-consequence infectious diseases.
  • Describe strategies and behaviors to maximize safety while wearing PPE.
  • Discuss strategies for educating patients and visitors on how to help prevent the spread of a special pathogen.
  • Discuss strategies for responding to coworkers who are reluctant to wear or do not wear PPE appropriately.
  • Explain the process and considerations for handling contamination or a breach in PPE.


The University of Nebraska Medical Center designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

The University of Nebraska Medical Center designates this activity for up to 1.5 ANCC contact hours.  Nurses should only claim credit for the actual time spent participating in the activity.


Available free online.


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