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Recent successes in therapeutics for Ebola virus disease: no time for complacency


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Recent successes in therapeutics for Ebola virus disease: no time for complacency



The PALM trial in the Democratic Republic of the Congo identified a statistically significant survival benefit for two monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics in the treatment of acute Ebola virus disease; however, substantial gaps remain in improving the outcomes of acute Ebola virus disease and for the survivors.




Iversen, Patrick L., Christopher D. Kane, Xiankun Zeng, Rekha G. Panchal, Travis K. Warren, Sheli R. Radoshitzky, Jens H. Kuhn, Rajini R. Mudhasani, Christopher L. Cooper, Amy C. Shurtleff, Farooq Nasar, Melek M. E. Sunay, Allen J. Duplantier, Brett P. Eaton, Elizabeth E. Zumbrun, Sandra L. Bixler, Shannon Martin, J. Matthew Meinig, Chih-Yuan Chiang, Mariano Sanchez-Lockhart, Gustavo F. Palacios, Jeffrey R. Kugelman, Karen A. Martins, Margaret L. Pitt, Ian Crozier, and David L. Saunders. 2020. "Recent successes in therapeutics for Ebola virus disease: no time for complacency." The Lancet Infectious Diseases.


Free online on Lancet site.
