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Browse Items (1475 total)
Creator: WHO
Subject: General
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2021-08-07
Description: This WHO fact sheet covers Marburg virus disease: Key facts Transmission Symptoms of Marburg virus disease Diagnosis Treatment and vaccines Marburg virus in animals Prevention and control Controlling infection in healthcare settings Marburg viral… -
Creator: WHO
Subject: Emergency Management
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2023-01
Description: WHO toolbox for Mpox with Key references documents, Case definitions, Data collections tools, Laboratory confirmation, Response tools and resources, Training, and Other resources. -
Creator: WHO
Subject: General
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2024-08-26
Description: Information on key facts, outbreaks, transmission, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and vaccine, the natural host of the mpox virus, prevention, reducing the risk of zoonotic transmission, reducing the risk of human-to-human transmission,… -
Creator: WHO
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2018-09-26
Description: *Ebola, Marburg and other hemorrhagic fevers that share similar human-to-human transmission characteristicsGuidance document. WHO Team Access to Assistive Technology and Medical Devices, Access to Medicines and Health Products, Health Product… -
Creator: WHO
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2020-02-27
Description: Interim guidance for surveillance of the novel coronavirus (nCoV) recently identified in Wuhan, China (2019-nCoV).
Global Surveillance for human infection with coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Updated. -
Creator: WHO
Subject: Contenu Français
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2020-01-09
Description: Les coronavirus forment une vaste famille de virus qui sont à l’origine de diverses affections, allant du rhume banal à des maladies plus graves comme le syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS) et le syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS).… -
Creator: WHO
Subject: General
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2020-01-09
Description: A page of questions and answers about coronaviruses. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute… -
Creator: WHO
Subject: Treatment & Care
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2015-01
Description: WHO EVD Manual.Example only: NETEC provides this item for reference purposes but does not endorse its content. Newer versions may be in place at the providing institution.
Creator: WHO
Subject: Contenu Français
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2015-06
Description: Présentation L’objet de ce document est de fournir des lignes directrices provisoires aux parties prenantes et aux laboratoires impliqués dans le dépistage du coronavirus du syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS-CoV). Ces recommandations…