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Browse Items (1474 total)
Creator: van Doremalen, Neeltje, Trenton Bushmaker, Dylan H. Morris, Myndi G. Holbrook, Amandine Gamble, Brandi N. Williamson, Azaibi Tamin, Jennifer L. Harcourt, Natalie J. Thornburg, Susan I. Gerber, James O. Lloyd-Smith, Emmie de Wit, and Vincent J.…
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-17
Description: A novel human coronavirus that is now named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (formerly called HCoV-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 and is now causing a pandemic. -
Creator: Loftus, Mary (editor), Emory Medicine
Subject: General
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2018-02-20
Description: In the wake of caring for four patients with active Ebola virus in 2014, Emory clinicians have taken stock of lessons learned in infectious disease prevention, therapeutic care, and health aftereffects and are sharing that information broadly with… -
Creator: NETEC
Subject: Training and Exercises
Item Type: In Person Course
Date Last Updated: 2017
Description: Past In Person Course Presentation: Describe the "all -hazards" approach to managing the care of highly infectious disease (HID) patients. Describe the use of the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) in the care of HID patients. Describe the key… -
Creator: Rose, Christian.
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-18
Description: Last year, after a month of dry cough and shortness of breath while walking up the steep steps of Fillmore Street in San Francisco, Mary, my mother-in-law and housemate, noticed that she was becoming more and more easily winded. -
Creator: Shaigany, Sheila, Marlis Gnirke, Allison Guttmann, Hong Chong, Shane Meehan, Vanessa Raabe, Eddie Louie, Bruce Solitar, and Alisa Femia.
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-07-10
Description: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a newly described condition associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) exposure that is reminiscent of both Kawasaki disease and toxic shock syndrome. -
Creator: NETEC
Subject: Personnel Management
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2022-12-21
Description: To support newly created State or Regional Emerging Special Pathogen Treatment Centers (RESPTCs) as they define their leadership structure, the Biocontainment (BCU) Leadership Workgroup, established by the National Emerging Special Pathogens Training… -
Creator: Iwen, P. C., J. L. Garrett, S. G. Gibbs, J. J. Lowe, V. L. Herrera, A. R. Sambol, K. Stiles, J. L. Wisecarver, K. J. Salerno, S. J. Pirruccello and S. H. Hinrichs
Subject: Laboratory
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2014-11-01
Description: Beginning in 2003, the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha developed a laboratory capability plan in conjunction with the creation of a biocontainment unit (BCU) for treatment of patients harboring emerging infectious organisms. -
Creator: Errett, Nicole A., Lauren M. Sauer, and Lainie Rutkow.
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-02
Description: In our increasingly interconnected world, the potential for emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) to spread globally is of paramount concern. -
Creator: Wang, Xu, Wenhui Wu, Peipei Song, and Jiangjiang He.
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-09-20
Description: Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) has become a pandemic around the world. With the explosive growth of confirmed cases, emergency medical supplies are facing global shortage, which restricts the treatment of seriously ill patients and protection of… -
Creator: the mRNA-1273 Study Group
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-07-14
Description: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in late 2019 and spread globally, prompting an international effort to accelerate development of a vaccine. The candidate vaccine mRNA-1273 encodes the stabilized prefusion…