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Browse Items (1475 total)
Creator: van Doremalen, Neeltje, Trenton Bushmaker, Dylan H. Morris, Myndi G. Holbrook, Amandine Gamble, Brandi N. Williamson, Azaibi Tamin, Jennifer L. Harcourt, Natalie J. Thornburg, Susan I. Gerber, James O. Lloyd-Smith, Emmie de Wit, and Vincent J.…
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-17
Description: A novel human coronavirus that is now named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (formerly called HCoV-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 and is now causing a pandemic. -
Creator: Karako, Kenji, Peipei Song, Yu Chen, and Wei Tang.
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-18
Description: To assess the effectiveness of response strategies of avoiding large gatherings or crowded areas and to predict the spread of COVID-19 infections in Japan, we developed a stochastic transmission model by extending the Susceptible-Infected-Removed… -
Creator: Parmet, Wendy E., and Michael S. Sinha.
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-18
Description: As Covid-19 spreads around the globe, governments have imposed quarantines and travel bans on an unprecedented scale. China locked down whole cities, and Italy has imposed draconian restrictions throughout the country. -
Creator: Rose, Christian.
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-18
Description: Last year, after a month of dry cough and shortness of breath while walking up the steep steps of Fillmore Street in San Francisco, Mary, my mother-in-law and housemate, noticed that she was becoming more and more easily winded. -
Creator: Lei Pan, Mi Mu, Pengcheng Yang, Yu Sun, Runsheng Wang, Junhong Yan, Pibao Li, Baoguang Hu, Jing Wang, Chao Hu, Yuan Jin, Xun Niu, Rongyu Ping, Yingzhen Du, Tianzhi Li, Guogang Xu, Qinyong Hu, Lei Tu.
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-18
Description: Since the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in December2019, various digestive symptoms have been frequently reported in patients infected with the virus. -
Creator: Zou, Lirong, Feng Ruan, Mingxing Huang, Lijun Liang, Huitao Huang, Zhongsi Hong, Jianxiang Yu, Min Kang, Yingchao Song, Jinyu Xia, Qianfang Guo, Tie Song, Jianfeng He, Hui-Ling Yen, Malik Peiris, and Jie Wu.
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-19
Description: The 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic, which was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has been declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization, may progress to a pandemic… -
Creator: Bavari, Sina, and Patrick L. Iversen.
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-19
Description: Two phase 2 randomised clinical trials evaluating ChAd3-EBO-Z administered to healthy adults in Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal and healthy children in Mali and Senegal are reported by Milagritos Tapia and colleagues in The Lancet Infectious… -
Creator: Tapia, Milagritos D., Samba O. Sow, Birahim P. Ndiaye, Khardiata D. Mbaye, Aliou Thiongane, Cheikh T. Ndour, Souleymane Mboup, Julie A. Ake, Babajide Keshinro, Gideon A. Akintunde, Thompson N. Kinge, Guy Vernet, Jean Joel Bigna, Stephen Oguche,…
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-19
Description: The 2014 Zaire Ebola virus disease epidemic accelerated vaccine development for the virus. -
Creator: Tapia, Milagritos D., Samba O. Sow, Khardiata D. Mbaye, Aliou Thiongane, Birahim P. Ndiaye, Cheikh T. Ndour, Souleymane Mboup, Babajide Keshinro, Thompson N. Kinge, Guy Vernet, Jean Joel Bigna, Stephen Oguche, Kwadwo A. Koram, Kwaku P. Asante,…
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-19
Description: During the large 2013–16 Ebola virus outbreak caused by the Zaire Ebola virus, about 20% of cases were reported in children. This study is the first, to our knowledge, to evaluate an Ebola vaccine in children younger than 6 years. -
Creator: Tuite, Ashleigh R., Victoria Ng, Erin Rees, and David Fisman.
Subject: Research
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-03-19
Description: Italy is currently experiencing an epidemic of COVID-19 which emerged in the Lombardy region.