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Creator: Flinn, Jade B., Noreen A. Hynes, Lauren M. Sauer, Lisa L. Maragakis, and Brian T. Garibaldi.
Subject: Physical Infrastructure
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-09-04
Description: In response to the Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016, the US Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) established 10 regional treatment centers, called biocontainment units (BCUs) to prepare and provide care for patients…Example only: NETEC provides this item for reference purposes but does not endorse its content. Newer versions may be in place at the providing institution.
Creator: NETEC
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2020-05-01
Description: Versión en español de Make the Smart Choice.Spanish language version of Make the Smart Choice - Procedure Mask vs. N95 Respirator selection printable flyer infographic - a flyer explaining the reasons to choose a procedure mask or n95 respirator. Go… -
Creator: NETEC
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2020-07-17
Description: Spanish Language version of Work Smart! Understand negative pressure isolation. Reduce your exposure risk. Conserve PPE.Comprende el aislamiento de áreas con el uso de presión negativa. Reduzca su riesgo de exposición. Mantiene a su EPP.Conservation strategies: This resource contains recommendations facilitating conservation of equipment and supplies during contingency (expected shortages) and crisis (known shortages) capacities and should not be applied as guidance when conventional capacities are available.
Creator: Reina J.
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-02-01
Description: The recent epidemic of disease caused by the Ebola virus has highlighted the need to develop specific drugs and have to deal with this entity. -
Creator: Emory Healthcare
Subject: Intake and Internal Transport
Item Type: Guide
Date Last Updated: 2019
Description: Screening Signage Example from Emory Healthcare -
Creator: WHO
Subject: Contenu Français
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2017-05-19
Description: Fact Sheet of Ebola in French and English, updated May 2017. -
Creator: Gómez-Romero FJ, Gómez-García JM, Arencibia-Jiménez M, Delgado-de Los Reyes JA, Sarmiento-Sempere R, García-Abad I, Vicedo-Cano R, Pérez-Torregrosa G, Navarro-Gracia JF.
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-04-01
Description: The last outbreak of the Ebola virus disease, was a precedent to demonstrate the necessary training of healthcare personnel for possible eventualities of suspected cases of infectious diseases. It is required to study the level of… -
Creator: Rodríguez Navarro MJ, Ruiz Tárraga B, Benito Velasco MA, Montejano Lozoya R.
Subject: Elementos en Español
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2018-08-30
Description: The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of an intervention based on contact tracing and monitoring the quarantine people. -
Creator: NETEC
Subject: Waste Management
Item Type: In Person Course
Date Last Updated: 2019-08-07
Description: Slides on waste from a NETEC Year 4- Year 5 course. -
Creator: University of Nebraska Medical Center / Nebraska Medicine
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2020-04
Description: Designed by leading health experts at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, the 1-Check COVID app features an easy to use interface that asks you to complete a series of questions about your symptoms, travel, medical conditions, and exposure.…Conservation strategies: This resource contains recommendations facilitating conservation of equipment and supplies during contingency (expected shortages) and crisis (known shortages) capacities and should not be applied as guidance when conventional capacities are available.