Guidance for Developing a Plan for Interfacility Transport of Persons Under Investigation or Confirmed Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in the United States
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What this is for: Developing plans for personnel, including ground and air medical transport providers, managers of EMS agencies, EMS medical directors, local and state EMS systems, local and state health departments, healthcare facilities, and others involved in the interfacility (including intrastate or interstate), transport of persons under investigation (PUIs) or patients with confirmed Ebola virus disease (Ebola).
Who this is for: Managers of emergency medical services (EMS) agencies, EMS medical directors, local and state EMS systems, EMS personnel, including ground and air medical transport providers, local and state health departments, and healthcare coalitions.
How to use: State EMS officials and regional and state EMS planners can use this information to develop regional transport networks, local transport plans, and standard operating procedures. Managers and medical directors can use this guidance to develop procedures and protocols for their services to conduct interfacility transport (including intrastate or interstate) of PUIs and patients with confirmed Ebola. They may also use the information to prepare, educate, and train EMS personnel. Individual providers may use this information to stay safe when responding to and transporting PUIs or patients confirmed to have Ebola.
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