Ebola Waste Management
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Ebola Waste Management
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to best practices related to the Ebola and other Category A agent medical waste management. The information can also be used by facilities without autoclaves or incinerators.
Related resources:
Related resources:
- ASPR TRACIE VHF/Ebola Topic Collection, section on Waste Management.
- ASPR TRACIE EMS Infectious Disease Playbook.
- Ebola-Associated Waste Management
- Interim – Planning Guidance for the Handling of Solid Waste Contaminated with a Category A Infectious Substance
- Nebraska Biocontainment Unit perspective on disposal of Ebola medical waste
- Safe Handling, Treatment, Transport and Disposal of Ebola-Contaminated Waste
- Procedural Guidance on the Proper Packaging of Ebola Suspected Waste: DOT Guidance for Preparing Packages of Ebola Contaminated Waste for Transportation and Disposal
The requestor asked ASPR TRACIE for assistance in identifying best practices related to Ebola medical waste management, especially for hospitals that do not have an autoclave or incinerator. She is particularly interested in how other facilities move waste from the red zone to the green zone and what vendors others are using for Category A waste removal.
ASPR TRACIE. (2019). Ebola Waste Management.
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