Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Centers COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Emergency Supplement Performance Measures
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Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Centers COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Emergency Supplement Performance Measures
Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Centers COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Emergency Supplement Performance Measures by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
Hospital Preparedness Program
Hospital Preparedness Program
Intent of Evaluation and Performance Measurement for the Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Center (RESPTC) COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) awarded this supplemental funding to the 10 recipients of the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Ebola Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement (CFDA #93.817) Part B in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This emergency supplemental funding supported the launch of the National Special Pathogen System (NSPS), which builds on the Ebola-specific treatment network to create a nationwide network for special pathogen response leveraging a regional “hub-and-spoke” model. As regional hubs for special pathogen readiness, RESPTCs play a critical role in this nationwide network. The purpose of this funding is to support RESPTCs implement activities that increase the capability of health care systems to safely and effectively manage individuals with suspected and confirmed COVID-19.
The purpose of the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement Performance Measures is to demonstrate the use of funding and the outcomes achieved as a result of this funding supplement. The measures will also provide information to identify challenges and successes of activities funded. Consistent with the full scope of applicable grant regulations (45 CFR Part 75) and the purpose of this award, the recipients and sub-recipients shall provide ASPR with access to data pertinent to the award in the form of reported results for the enclosed performance measures. This funding is likely to generate positive secondary and tertiary effects for the entire health care system and to advance capabilities to respond to outbreaks of other special pathogens. As such, these measures could be used to evaluate response to outbreaks of other special pathogens, especially highly infectious pathogens.
The remainder of this document describes the performance measures ASPR will use to understand the programmatic effectiveness of the funding distributed through the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement. Where measures ask RESPTCs to respond to questions regarding ‘ASPR-funded’ activities, these activities include those 1) fully funded by this administrative supplement; 2) partially funded by this administrative supplement and by the RESPTC; and 3) supported by allowable staff positions fully- or partially-funded by this administrative supplement. Activities and supplies/materials funded by the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement include those that have been or will be retroactively compensated.1
All performance measures will be submitted by recipients to HHS ASPR within 90 days of the end of the performance period (ending on June 14). Performance measures will include (1) required quantitative measures to measure funding use and effectiveness, and (2) optional qualitative questions which will identify opportunities, needs, and challenges for RESPTCs, 3 as well as inform future funding opportunities.
1 Recipients may use a portion of the funding to retroactively compensate Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Centers for any of the activities described in the notice of award that were conducted as part of COVID-19 response beginning January 20, 2020. Recipients must have requested retroactive compensation at the time of the budget submission.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) awarded this supplemental funding to the 10 recipients of the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Ebola Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement (CFDA #93.817) Part B in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This emergency supplemental funding supported the launch of the National Special Pathogen System (NSPS), which builds on the Ebola-specific treatment network to create a nationwide network for special pathogen response leveraging a regional “hub-and-spoke” model. As regional hubs for special pathogen readiness, RESPTCs play a critical role in this nationwide network. The purpose of this funding is to support RESPTCs implement activities that increase the capability of health care systems to safely and effectively manage individuals with suspected and confirmed COVID-19.
The purpose of the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement Performance Measures is to demonstrate the use of funding and the outcomes achieved as a result of this funding supplement. The measures will also provide information to identify challenges and successes of activities funded. Consistent with the full scope of applicable grant regulations (45 CFR Part 75) and the purpose of this award, the recipients and sub-recipients shall provide ASPR with access to data pertinent to the award in the form of reported results for the enclosed performance measures. This funding is likely to generate positive secondary and tertiary effects for the entire health care system and to advance capabilities to respond to outbreaks of other special pathogens. As such, these measures could be used to evaluate response to outbreaks of other special pathogens, especially highly infectious pathogens.
The remainder of this document describes the performance measures ASPR will use to understand the programmatic effectiveness of the funding distributed through the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement. Where measures ask RESPTCs to respond to questions regarding ‘ASPR-funded’ activities, these activities include those 1) fully funded by this administrative supplement; 2) partially funded by this administrative supplement and by the RESPTC; and 3) supported by allowable staff positions fully- or partially-funded by this administrative supplement. Activities and supplies/materials funded by the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement include those that have been or will be retroactively compensated.1
All performance measures will be submitted by recipients to HHS ASPR within 90 days of the end of the performance period (ending on June 14). Performance measures will include (1) required quantitative measures to measure funding use and effectiveness, and (2) optional qualitative questions which will identify opportunities, needs, and challenges for RESPTCs, 3 as well as inform future funding opportunities.
1 Recipients may use a portion of the funding to retroactively compensate Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Centers for any of the activities described in the notice of award that were conducted as part of COVID-19 response beginning January 20, 2020. Recipients must have requested retroactive compensation at the time of the budget submission.
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