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NETEC COVID-19 Webinar Series (4/1/22)/Online Course: Identify, Isolate, Inform. The I's have it.


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NETEC COVID-19 Webinar Series (4/1/22)/Online Course: Identify, Isolate, Inform. The I's have it.


Identify, Isolate, Inform - The I's Have It!

NETEC webinar presentation: Identify, Isolate, Inform. The I's Have It. Topics will include the importance of early recognition in identifying individuals potentially infected with a special pathogen, steps that can be taken to reduce special pathogen exposure to others and the environment, and tips on organizing a notification system applicable to both a home institution and the public health system.


Kate Boulter, BAN (HONS), MPH, RN
Nurse Manager Nebraska Biocontainment Unit
Nebraska Medicine | University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska

Dr. James Lawler, MD, MPH, FIDSA
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
Director, International Programs and Innovation, Global Center for Health Security
Director, Clinical and Biodefense Research
Nebraska Medicine | University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska

Trish Tennill, RN, BSN
Associative Director of Nursing
Health and Hospitals Bellevue New York, New York

Webinar slides attached.

Get educational credit for this webinar through





Webinar: Apr 1, 2022 12:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)

Online Course: The estimated time to complete this enduring material is 60 minutes.



This accredited continuing education activity is intended primarily for healthcare workers and teams which may include but are not limited to, medical and nursing staff, administration, education/training leadership, and infection control leadership. Staff specializing in emergency management, communications, specialized clinical areas, laboratory, facilities management and environmental services are also welcome.


At the conclusion of this enduring material, the participant should be better able to:

  • Recognize the importance of early recognition of potentially infectious individuals
  • Describe steps to reduce exposure to others and the environment
  • Organize a notification system applicable to home institution and public health system


In order to receive continuing education credit, you must complete these steps prior to the activity expiration date.

  1. View the entire presentation
  2. Complete the post-test with a score of 2 out of 3 or better
  3. Complete the online evaluation
  4. Submit the Completion Attestation


CNE and CME continuing education credits will be provided for this activity. Participants will be asked to complete an evaluation immediately following the webinar. We recommend accessing the webinar from a PC or Mac computer using the Chrome, Firefox, or Safari (Mac) web browser.

1 CEU (CNE, CME) is available for this activity.

For more information, contact NETEC at

Event Type

Webinar, watch at link below.

