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EMS Model PPE Donning and Doffing Procedure for Confirmed or Suspected VHF Case with Active Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea


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EMS Model PPE Donning and Doffing Procedure for Confirmed VHF Case or Suspected VHF Case with Active Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea.pdfEMS Model PPE Donning and Doffing Procedure for Confirmed VHF Case or Suspected VHF Case with Active Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea.pdf

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EMS Model PPE Donning and Doffing Procedure for Confirmed or Suspected VHF Case with Active Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea


PURPOSE: This Model Guidance outlines the procedure for the proper donning and doffing of a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ensemble for prehospital personnel managing a patient suspected or confirmed to have a Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF) with active bleeding, vomiting, or diarrhea.
SCOPE: This Model Guidance applies to all EMS personnel involved in the transport and management of a patient suspected or confirmed to have a VHF, e.g., Ebola Virus Disease.

This is from the series of Model Guidance documents. Find all the resources in the series below.
  1. EMS Ambulance Cleaning and Disinfection
  2. EMS Ambulance Modification Procedure
  3. EMS Ambulance Operations High Consequence Infectious Disease Waste Management
  4. EMS Biohazard Spill
  5. EMS PPE Breach: High Consequence Infectious Disease Patient Transport
  6. EMS Provider Down Procedure
  7. Model PPE Donning and Doffing Procedure for Confirmed or Suspected VHF Case with Active Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea
  8. Model PPE Donning and Doffing Procedure for Suspected VHF Case without Active Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea





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