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Données cartographiées des épidémies

Lisez les dernières nouvelles officielles du CDC, répertoriées ci-dessous dans la section Flux d'actualités, en commençant par les plus récentes. Voyez les avis des deux organisations cartographiés au niveau mondial immédiatement ci-dessous.**

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Rapport hebdomadaire de la morbidité et de la mortalité (MMWR) du CDC:


Notices de voyage du CDC:

  • Level 1 - Global Dengue...
    Thu, 20 Mar 2025
    Dengue is a year-round risk in many parts of the world, with outbreaks commonly occurring every 2–5 years. Travelers to risk areas should prevent mosquito bites. Country List : Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ecuador, including the Galápagos Islands, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Sudan, Cuba, French Polynesia, including the island groups of Society Islands (Tahiti, Moorea, and Bora-Bora), Marquesas Islands (Hiva Oa and Ua Huka), and Austral Islands (Tubuai and Rurutu), Iran, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Pakistan, Guadeloupe, Brazil, Fiji
  • Level 1 - Global Measles...
    Wed, 19 Mar 2025
    Many international destinations are reporting increased numbers of cases of measles. Country List : Afghanistan, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Liberia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of the Congo , Senegal, Somalia, Republic of South Sudan, Togo, Yemen, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Mauritania, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso, Türkiye (Turkey), United Arab Emirates, Burundi, Romania, Malaysia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Austria, Belarus, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Marino, Guinea, Kenya, Monaco, United Kingdom, including England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, Belgium, Ireland, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Niger, Thailand, Guinea-Bissau, Libya, Mozambique, Saudi Arabia, Namibia, Sudan
  • Level 2 - Ebola in Uganda...
    Wed, 12 Mar 2025
    Uganda is experiencing an outbreak of Sudan virus disease (SVD). SVD is a type of Ebola disease caused by infection with the Sudan virus.
  • Level 2 - Chikungunya in Réunion...
    Tue, 25 Feb 2025
    There is an outbreak of chikungunya in Réunion. Mosquitoes spread the virus that causes chikungunya.
  • Level 2 - Clade I Mpox in Central and Eastern Africa...
    Mon, 10 Feb 2025
    There is an outbreak of clade I mpox in Central and Eastern Africa. Country List : Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo , Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia


Cliquez ici pour rechercher des maladies liées aux voyages par nation.

L'assistant clinique de voyage (Travel Clinical Assistant - TCA) est du Département de la santé de la Géorgie.

The Travel Clinical Assistant (TCA) is by the Georgia Department of Health.

  • NEJM Outbreaks Update — H5N1: A View from the States...
    Tue, 11 Mar 2025
    In this audio interview, Editor-in-Chief Eric Rubin and Deputy Editor Lindsey Baden are joined by state public health leaders Robbie Goldstein and Jennifer Shuford to discuss action against H5N1 in Massachusetts and Texas and across the nation. Eric Rubin is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. Lindsey Baden is a Deputy Editor of the Journal. Robert Goldstein is the Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Health. Jennifer Shuford is the Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services. Stephen Morrissey, the interviewer, is the Executive Managing Editor of the Journal. E.J. Rubin and Others. NEJM Outbreaks Update — H5N1: A View from the States. N Engl J Med. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe2502863.
  • NEJM Interview: Alex Keuroghlian on responding to policy threats ...
    Wed, 12 Mar 2025
    Alex Keuroghlian is an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the director of the Division of Public and Community Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. Stephen Morrissey, the interviewer, is the Executive Managing Editor of the Journal. D.R.A. Coelho, A.L. Chen, and A.S. Keuroghlian. Advancing Transgender Health amid Rising Policy Threats. N Engl J Med 2025;392:1041-1044.
  • NEJM Outbreaks Update — H5N1...
    Tue, 04 Mar 2025
    In this NEJM Outbreaks Update, Editor-in-Chief Eric Rubin and Deputy Editor Lindsey Baden are joined by veterinarian and virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka to discuss avian influenza and its current impact on chickens, cows, cats, and humans. Eric Rubin is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. Lindsey Baden is a Deputy Editor of the Journal. Yoshihiro Kawaoka is a veterinarian and virologist and a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Tokyo. Stephen Morrissey, the interviewer, is the Executive Managing Editor of the Journal. E.J. Rubin and Others. NEJM Outbreaks Update — H5N1. N Engl J Med. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe2502267.


Mises à jour actuelles du journal

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American Journal of Infection Control:

RSS feed including 'the latest published articles, both published in an issue and published as Articles in Press.'

  • Impact of Universal Masking by Pediatric Healthcare Personnel on...
    The impact of universal masking on transmission of endemic respiratory viruses in children’s hospitals is unknown. We compared the incidence rate, level and trend of non-SARS-CoV-2 healthcare-associated viral respiratory infections (HA-VRIs) prior to the COVID-19 pandemic (September 2013 - February 2020); during universal masking (May 2021 - March 2023); and after universal masking was lifted (April 2023 - November 2023). We found that universal masking was not associated with a change in non-SARS-CoV-2 HA-VRIs.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) use for personal protective equipme...
    Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a first-line transmission-based precaution for reducing the spread of nosocomial infections between healthcare workers (HCWs), patients, and staff. Disproportionate rates of nosocomial infections in HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted a problematic skill gap in effective PPE donning/doffing.
  • Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use: the thir...
    Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), antibiotic use (AMU) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are critical indicators of healthcare quality and antimicrobial stewardship. Point prevalence surveys provide essential data for optimizing infection prevention and control (IPC) strategies.

Écoute: New England Journal of Medicine

The New England Journal of Medicine is a weekly general medicine journal, and this audio news feed presents interviews with specialists.

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal:

This list contains articles published online ahead of print.


Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy:

News from the University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP).

Johns Hopkins Medicine RSS Feed:

Johns Hopkins Medicine science and medical news.

Clinical Infectious Diseases Journal

This list includes items from the latest issue of the Clinical Infectious Diseases Journal.
