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COVID-19 Guidelines: Special Considerations in Children


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COVID-19 Guidelines: Special Considerations in Children


NIH Guidelines
Key considerations:
  • SARS-CoV-2 infection is generally milder in children than in adults, and a substantial proportion of children with the infection are asymptomatic.
  • Most nonhospitalized children with COVID-19 will not require any specific therapy.
  • Observational studies describe associations between severe COVID-19 and the presence of ≥1 comorbid conditions, including cardiac disease, neurologic disorders, prematurity (in young infants), diabetes, obesity (particularly severe obesity), chronic lung disease, feeding tube dependence, and immunocompromised status. Age (<1 year and 10–14 years) and non-White race/ethnicity are also associated with severe disease.
  • Most children hospitalized for severe COVID-19 have not been fully vaccinated or are not eligible for COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Data on the pathogenesis and clinical spectrum of SARS-CoV-2 infection are more limited for children than for adults.
  • Vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be rare, but suspected or probable cases of vertical transmission have been described.
  • A small subset of children and young adults with SARS-CoV-2 infection may develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). Many patients with MIS-C require intensive care management. The majority of children with MIS-C do not have underlying comorbid conditions.
  • Data on the prevalence of post-COVID conditions in children are limited but suggest that younger children may have fewer persistent symptoms than older children and adults.



