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New filovirus disease classification and nomenclature.


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New filovirus disease classification and nomenclature.



The recent large outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Western Africa resulted in greatly increased accumulation of human genotypic, phenotypic and clinical data, and improved our understanding of the spectrum of clinical manifestations. As a result, the WHO disease classification of EVD underwent major revision.


Kuhn, J. H., T. Adachi, N. K. J. Adhikari, J. R. Arribas, I. E. Bah, D. G. Bausch, N. Bhadelia, M. Borchert, A. B. Brantsaeter, D. M. Brett-Major, T. H. Burgess, D. S. Chertow, C. G. Chute, T. J. Cieslak, R. Colebunders, I. Crozier, R. T. Davey, H. de Clerck, R. Delgado, L. Evans, M. Fallah, W. A. Fischer, 2nd, T. E. Fletcher, R. A. Fowler, T. Grunewald, A. Hall, A. Hewlett, A. I. M. Hoepelman, C. F. Houlihan, G. Ippolito, S. T. Jacob, M. Jacobs, R. Jakob, F. A. Jacquerioz, L. Kaiser, A. C. Kalil, R. F. Kamara, J. Kapetshi, H. D. Klenk, G. Kobinger, M. G. Kortepeter, C. S. Kraft, T. Kratz, H. S. K. Bosa, M. Lado, F. Lamontagne, H. C. Lane, L. Lobel, J. Lutwama, G. M. Lyon, 3rd, M. B. F. Massaquoi, T. A. Massaquoi, A. K. Mehta, V. M. Makuma, S. Murthy, T. S. Musoke, J. J. Muyembe-Tamfum, P. Nakyeyune, C. Nanclares, M. Nanyunja, J. Nsio-Mbeta, T. O'Dempsey, J. T. Paweska, C. J. Peters, P. Piot, C. Rapp, B. Renaud, B. Ribner, P. C. Sabeti, J. S. Schieffelin, W. Slenczka, M. J. Soka, A. Sprecher, J. Strong, R. Swanepoel, T. M. Uyeki, M. van Herp, P. Vetter, D. A. Wohl, T. Wolf, A. Wolz, A. H. Wurie, and Z. Yoti. 2019. "New filovirus disease classification and nomenclature." Nat Rev Microbiol 17 (5):261-3.



The recent large outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Western Africa resulted in greatly increased accumulation of human genotypic, phenotypic and clinical data, and improved our understanding of the spectrum of clinical manifestations. As a result, the WHO disease classification of EVD underwent major revision.


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