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Browse Items (54 total)
Creator: Bénézit, François, Paul Le Turnier, Charles Declerck, Cécile Paillé, Matthieu Revest, Vincent Dubée, Pierre Tattevin, Cédric Arvieux, Marion Baldeyrou, Jean-Marc Chapplain, Pauline Comacle, Solène Patrat-Delon, Anne Maillard, Mélanie Poinot,…
Subject: Intake and Internal Transport
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2020-04-15
Description: Early and accurate diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is key to the management of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. -
Creator: Buchy P.
Subject: Contenu Français
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-10-01
Description: L’épidémie d’Ebola qui a sévit en Afrique de l’Ouest entre 2013 et 2016 a considérablement accéléré la recherche et le développement de vaccins Ebola. -
Creator: Burnham, C. D., J. H. Kwon, E. M. Burd, S. Campbell, P. C. Iwen and M. B. Miller
Subject: Laboratory
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-11-10
Description: We have asked 4 experts in this field to share their thoughts on contemporary challenges in laboratory preparedness for emerging infectious diseases. -
Creator: CDC
Subject: Laboratory
Item Type: Webinar
Date Last Updated: 2019-12-19
Description: Overview Due to the ongoing Ebola virus disease (Ebola) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, subject matter experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will discuss the current status of Ebola diagnostic testing…Example only: NETEC provides this item for reference purposes but does not endorse its content. Newer versions may be in place at the providing institution.
Creator: CDC
Subject: Laboratory
Item Type: Protocol
Date Last Updated: 2016-12-01
Description: This protocol has been developed to guide the sequence and type of laboratory testing to be undertaken in situations involving specimens from patients with acute, generalized vesicular or pustular rash illness, or suspected smallpox vaccine (vaccinia…Example only: NETEC provides this item for reference purposes but does not endorse its content. Newer versions may be in place at the providing institution.
Creator: CDC
Subject: General
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2022-10-19
Description: Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic virus, meaning that it can spread between animals and people. Fruit bats, also called flying foxes, are the animal reservoir for NiV in nature. Nipah virus is also known to cause illness in pigs and people. Infection… -
Creator: CDC
Subject: Laboratory
Item Type: Hyperlink
Date Last Updated: 2023-04-30
Description: This webpage provides guidance for hospitals and clinical laboratories on performing routine diagnostic testing necessary for management and care of patients with a suspected viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) or other high-consequence disease while… -
Creator: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Subject: General
Item Type: In Person Course
Date Last Updated: 2023-10-18
Description: These audiocasts, recorded at the SHEA/CDC ORTP Regional Training Workshop, discuss successes and failures of past infectious disease outbreaks and offer insights into the key steps involved in preparing your facility for the next high-consequence… -
Creator: Chen, Mark I. C., Angela L. P. Chow, Arul Earnest, Hoe Nam Leong, and Yee Sin Leo.
Subject: Infection Control
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2006
Description: Only a minority of probable SARS cases caused transmission. We assess if any epidemiological or clinical factors in SARS index patients were associated with increased probability of transmission. -
Creator: Chidiac C, Ferry T.
Subject: Contenu Français
Item Type: Publication
Date Last Updated: 2016-11-01
Description: De nombreuses maladies infectieuses émergentes ou ré-émergentes sont survenues au cours des dernières décennies, certaines posant des problèmes de santé publique majeurs. SRAS, MERS-CoV, grippe aviaire hautement pathogène A(H5N1), MERS-CoV, maladie à…